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[PyrNet-L] Re: health: possible rimadyl/megaesophagus connection

A Charleston (SC) woman, Jean Townsend, is lead plaintiff in the class
action lawsuit against Pfizer over alleged adverse effects of rimadyl. On
30 July 1998 our courageous Pyr Sebastien lost a long battle against
megaesophagus, an extremely cruel disease. If I recall rightly, list
postings did not turn up other cases of adult onset megaesophagus in Pyrs.
We were suspicious of rimadyl as a precipitating factor but could of course
not establish any cause and effect, apart from the time-line and that we
didn't hear of other cases, which is not probative of any link.

This morning I heard from a woman whose dog was vomiting and was to be
checked for megaesophagus. She had found a message of mind that Jean had
posted with my permission to the Senior Dogs list. I know that this
medicine has done wonders for some dogs - but maybe some unlucky animals
are paying a heavy price.

Incoming message 1

   I have been checking this website off and on for the last few weeks.  My
13 year old dog is being tested today to see if he has Megaseophagus.  The
vet has been suspicious.  Patches started vomiting after 6 days on Rimadyl.
Medication was stopped.  He has been sick since the latter part of
September.  He has dropped 20 lbs.  He now weighs 37.  I will let you know
as soon as I find out.  But I wonder how many people have had their animals
put to sleep before knowing this is what could have caused the vomiting.

Message 2

   Just got a call from our vet.  Megasophagus is what he has.  He is now
developing pneumonia.  I'm taking him home for a few days before I have him
put to sleep.  Just to give you a little background in the beginning when
they couldn't get him to quit throwing up, they suggested a scope.  I called
the phiezer [Pfizer] company.  Not sure on spelling right now.  They agreed
to pay
for his diagnostics.  We'll find out.  That is yet to come.  The scope
showed lesions in his stomach and esophagus.  I'm sure from the Rimadyl.
This has been reported to the FDA.  It has been a very painful thing to go
through.  I know the worst is yet to come.  Again thanks for your interest
and hope more people will report these side effects  [end message].  

Shirley McGreal, Summerville, SC