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Re: [PyrNet-L] What made you choose a Pyr?

In a message dated 11/29/99 8:28:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
bluebonnet_72@yahoo.com writes:

<< I am curious as to what brought everyone to the
 > breed.  >>
Coming out of lurkdom...
I took my mother-in-law to someones house to get a 
kitten and the biggest white dog I had ever seen with
the most beautful brown eyes walked up to my car and
looked at me through the window. I asked his owner
what kind of dog he was and he said a Pyr. I knew at
that moment that sometime in the future I would
own one of these beautiful dogs. It was 5 or 6 years
afterwards that we had taken one of our Border Collie
females to Hubert Bailey's in Dawsonville, GA to be
bred. He had a Pyr and we talked about the breed.
I said one day I was going to get one and one of his
neighbors and friends who had sheep just "happened"
to have some puppie. That was history, we went to
take a female to be bred, with no intentions of buying
a dog. (it was December, and close to Christmas) my
husband bought Bo, my first Pyr for me for Christmas.
I also can not imagine my life with out one!