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Re: [PyrNet-L] giant breed?

Sorry all about my spelling on this last message---I thought the spell
checker was on.............ugh!!!
-Carrie Parks

I wonder why GPs are  grouped with giant breeds. It seems that their
standard calls for a dog
> considerably smaller than, say, a Newf or Mastiff or Great Dane....

Generally speaking, Pyrs are larger than the next group (large: German Shep,
Collie, Dobie, etc.)

 Also, are the Kuvasz and GP related?
The Kuvasz and the Pyrs are part of the "Great dogs" of Europe, probably all
descended from migrating hoards (good old Ghenges Khan and friends) and
probably going back to a breed such as the Tibetan Mastiff.

How are they alike/different?
The Kuvasz and Pyrs, though from common stock at one time, were each
selected and bred for the characteristics that the natives of that area
important.  In Hungary (Kuvasz), the dogs needed to be very protective of
the flock but also of the family from wildlife and also of people.  My
personal experience is that the Kuvasz is more a one-man one-family dog.
They tend to be more aggressive toward people than the Pyr.  They are
smaller, no dewclaws, lighter boned, and some of the original imported stock
looked VERY different from the Pyr (shorter, curly coat, higher hocks,
narrower heads, different expression, etc.)

>certainly resemble one another in pictures...
Maybe now they do, given American taste.....
> Katie