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Re: [PyrNet-L] Giant Breed?

Debbie, enjoyed hearing about your gang, more and more I am thinking that
Pyrs. as a whole, are just not as big as many think.  I know I'm guilty
of this as well.  Kemo is my smallest and like you, in many ways my
favorite.  For one thing she has this massive  ( and way too curly )
coat.  While it may not be standard approved, it adds to her standing on
a mountain  with the wind blowing :-) look!  She and her brother Ranger
have the biscuit markings with a big splotch on their behinds, and what I
call double lined egyptian eyeliner, which is just too hard to resist. 
Also she uses her agility the most of the four.  This said, I always
think of Ranger being a bit clunky being the biggest.  Need to be careful
what I think.  Su-Ling our Shih-Tzu was giving him heck for something the
other day, and she barreled right into him head on, growling all the way.
 He jumped high, spun, and was ready for her on the come back...with
little Su looking like  " where did you go?  "  It was very funny, and
amazed me.  He may be more laid back, but he can do it all too!

Also amused me with your comment about the horses.  I'm tall so I like
tall horses too.  Also prefer riding English, and want my horses heads up
in the air, not tied down on the ground.  So as you said, everything is
preference, not necessarily right or wrong.  Glad you wrote about sizes
in your area, it is proving educational. :-) Cindy.

Ya know, one of the other things is, I never think my dogs are large
until they stand next to other breeds, and you realize, these are good
size dogs by any scale.  Maybe we are being deluded by people telling us
about their 30" labs, G.S.D.'s, Golden's etc.  And none of their
standardss call for that size dog either!

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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