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Re: [PyrNet-L] SAS- Threat to Pyrs?

On 17 Dec 99, at 18:10, Kshoffman@aol.com wrote:
> how long has it been known that SAS 
> is a problem in the breed?  Is there any evidence yet to indicate that the 
> overall frequency of the disease breed-wide has decreased as a result of this 
> general change in trend of breeding modality?  Statistically, and from a 
> population genetics standpoint, this *should* be the case, especially if the 
> defect was originally high in some lines but low to non-existent in others.

I'm holding on to this note and working on getting some #'s to post. 
If they can find them a friend (old timer in the breed) will send me 
some stats from around 1968 to 1989.  I haven't had newfs that far 
back to have the info.  Information relayed to me is back in 
1968,1969 seeing at least 1 SAS a litter.  Through diligent 
breeding, heart checking, pulling affected newfs, it has reduced, 
now many clear litters, and the severities have decreased.  SAS is 
graded by doppler and there used to be more #5's or 6's, and now 
it's running 1's, 2's, 3's.  

And for anyone that doesn't know there is a study going on in 
newfs to try to find a marker for SAS.  

Janice, janices@jump.net
Linsey (newf), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX