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Re: [PyrNet-L] underground fencing

   My experience with underground fencing has been a good one. I have Dog 
Guard fencing, which I think is a national brand, but individual people 
usually run the businesses of installing and training the dogs under the name 
of this fencing. 
    Dog Guard provided us with a guarantee that they would always come back 
to repair breaks in the fence or other problems (aside from battery 
replacement) free of charge, along with other kinds of maintenence. 
    I only had one major problem with the shock collars. If you don't remove 
them from a thick-coated breed every night and moisture gets under it, then 
you can cause an infection. This happened to me because I was unaware of the 
danger. My dog's prongs stuck into her neck and made a hole in her skin which 
became infected due to moisture and not ever being removed from the area for 
a time. I was horrified at this, but realized that is was only my error that 
caused it and now I take the collars off every night (when they are inside) 
and put them back on in the morning. My dogs are so aware of the fence 
peramiters that they will stay in the yard even without the collars on unless 
there is a huge distraction like HORSES going by! They LOVE horses.
    As for strength of the shock, my dogs are set on the very most minimum 
setting. They learned right away that they didn't like the shock and wouldn't 
go where it would happen. They also respond to the high-pitched beeping that 
goes off at the same time as the shock. This may vary for other dogs who are 
not so impressionable. Our German Shepherds are on a higher setting and still 
go through the fence sometimes. The Pyr's never dare. 
    I hope this has helped you out with information from personal experience. 
I can only praise the underground fence. When used properly with the right 
dog it can be most successful. Good luck and let us know if you have more 

-Emily Hainsworth
Castle Rock, CO