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Re: [PyrNet-L] cunning!!!

In a message dated 2/17/00 1:40:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
Kshoffman@aol.com writes:

<< So what I'd like to know is who else's Pyrs fake sleep in situations like 
 this?   >>

     Hi Kelly, My Conner is a master at it, he does not want to get any 
morning before 10:30. I will say his name, call his name, yell his name, use 
his middle name and then his full name to no avail. Then as I give up I will 
often look back to see him(slyly he thinks) raise his head and plop it back 
down when I look.LOL None of my other Pyr's have ever done this, but he was 
my first, and I think he has trained me well. Then he is up at 10:30 like 
clockwork, looking at me like why didn't you wake me! BTW, you let one little 
noise happen in the middle of the night 14 miles down the rode I might add 
and he seems to hear it! hhhhhmmmmm!

Debbie and the Pyr gang