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Re: [PyrNet-L] cunning!! and a slight deviation

Ours as I remeber it in one place was just a "The long drop". Never seemed to
fill up. Never saw the red backs either.  We the raw immigrants must have been
totaly amazed. (I bit like I was when I came across the first squatt loo in

I do remember a very funny situation in Mt Iza our first taste of Australia in
1953. I can just imagine my mothers total dismay. Any how the chap next door had
a thunder box and you know the Willy Willies well quite a strong one came
through and lifted it right off him and there he sat on the box pants around the
ankles for the whole neighbour hood of kids to see. The shower was the other
memory I have . A tin on the end of a pipe with holes in it. It worked. It was
also the era of "How much is that doggy in the window" being top of the pops.
Memoies ah memories


ARIEGE wrote:

> Those "descriptions" take me back Liz when plumbing wasn't in every home and
> my wee Mother used to stagger out to "bury" the contents in the garden. (She
> was staggering because "it" was heavy. Dad was inside because he was just
> staggering.  This task was done under cover of darkness with dire threats of
> not having any lighting on just incase the neighbours could "see her".
> Managed to "silhouette" the poor wee woman a few times just as a joke  or
> let the dog out who would immediately think there was an intruder in the
> garden. Dad had the best veggie garden in the valley!! The day running,
> moving, flushing water was installed was a day not to be forgotten in the
> Family history.
> Jan
> J