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[PyrNet-L] Canine Nutrition

There was a mention Tracy of "hormones in poultry" from another post.  My
concern was the over-supplementation of calcium, raw meat when raising
Pyrenean ( or large breed puppies) and the increased incidence very recently
of HOD (hypertrophic osteo dystrophy) on a Pyr puppy being fed such a diet.
This problem is  rare in Pyrs and in the 2 cases I have known of, diet
contributed to the HOD.  Ignorance is bliss I know this but in one case
ignorance was not bliss but sheer stupidity and could have been avoided with
"correct nutrition".  Until one has bred and raised Pyr puppies  to try and
"experiment" using Pyr puppies disgusts me.  The suffering from HOD that a
puppy goes though is unnecessary in this day and age in my opinion with all
the information now available.  You accelerate the growth rate, you get the
problems you deserve but the puppy does not.  All may not agree with the
prepared puppy foods of today but why risk your puppies in uncharted waters?
Why not put them onto a large breed puppy formulated food then when the
growing is done put them onto your own "homeprepared" diet.  I would like to
see the people who promote the "home diets" and know the exact
calcium/calorific dietary requirements for my Breed tell me that their
puppies from 8 weeks have not suffered any growth problems also keeping in
mind that "genes" can  have an effect on growth patterns too.  To subject
your puppy to HOD, OCD just to mention 2 things because you wish to play
"Food Roulette" and prove your point is tantamount to cruelty in my opinion
when the puppy suffers joint problems.  Is there anyone out there who has
raised Pyrenean puppies successfully by not using the prepared puppy foods
and not suffered any growing problems with their youngsters? I have made
mistakes but I have made them through ignorance, not knowledge nor
experiments on my puppies.
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://www.geocities.com/janellachaplin/ and
http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and my latest
Site http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/HobbyCt/postcardcollections/
 the site of PMDC http://www.geocities.com/pyreneans