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[PyrNet-L] "Do Dogs Really Love Us?" [adult theme & long]

Forwarded with permission....

"Do Dogs Really Love Us?" queried a dog magazine in its latest issue. 
Interviewed "professionals" offered qualified yeas and nays.  Glaringly
absent was a Sheepie owner's response.  Allow me to rectify the oversight.

The English word "love" has been prostituted by overuse, misuse, and abuse. 
I love popcorn on cold winter nights.  I love puppy breath.  I love
presidential candidate #1, who loves debating in the political arena of
ideas. When a man says he loves his sweetheart . . . parents . . . children .
. . and students, why does he use the single verb "to love" to express his
connectedness?  All relationships are not equal.  The Greek language, more
precise than its bastard child English, fills the void for thoughtful lovers.
Lusty passion?  Eros.  Family loyal-love?  Storge.  My life for yours? 
Agape.  Forever friends?  Phileo.

"Do Dogs Really Love Us?" begs a rebuttal question:  who's asking? 

A few weeks ago I ordered online the book _Dog Love_ touted by Barnes and
Noble with no caveat to consumers; the cover portrayed a young man with two
arms thrown around his German Shepherd.  Ahh, I thought, a good read
exploring the inexplicable affection of canines for their uprights.  Scanning
the chapter titles, my eye caught the title "Sex and the Single Dog."  Being
single myself, I anticipated the author exploring how living with dogs
banishes loneliness.  How wrong was I?  Bestiality.  No condemnation for this
kind of exploitation, but rather a lure to investigate the "thrill" touted by
modern literary authors.  Ugh.  Isn't there a kind of sick irony when amoral
bestiality sneaks into a book entitled _Dog Love_? 

Who is the "us" in "Do Dogs Really Love Us"?  An exploiter?  voyeur? 
credulous materialist?  behaviorist?  altruistic owner?  innocent child? 
Uprights are defined by their motives.  Why do I do what I do?  Can't an
upright be defined by her acts of kindness?  Not entirely; "hypocrite,"
"pretender," actor/actress" are in our mainstream vocabulary for a reason. 
Can't an upright be defined by his words?  Sadly, our words often belie
rather than reveal truth.  And our feelings are certainly no Rock of
Gibraltar when it comes to measuring our nobleness.  Too often our feelings
scream and cry the most when an act of courage is needed, when choosing
against one's own self-interest brings dueling feelings of peace and

I had *expected* to read noble, inspiring chapters in _Dog Love_ because I
had *imputed* benign connotations to the title.  My reaction? 
Disillusionment.  Anger.  One upright deceived by another upright, the
vendor.  I wrote a carefully crafted review for B/N to post; weeks later I'm
still waiting . . . .  Could profit be more important than educating readers?
I tossed the book in the garbage.  By contrast, when I *expect* to see
affectionate phileo-love shine out of Tassie's eyes and into mine, my
expectations are met.  Fully.  Completely. 

Does Tassie really love me?  How droll.  Do written words on a page have
power to convey the invisible thoughts and attitudes of one upright to
another?  How can physical characters arranged in groups on paper or screen
move an upright to tears of joy or sorrow?  Change one's destiny?  They do. .
. .  (And she does.)

Canines are like unread books.To be an
owner by, de facto, infers you will begin to "read" your elect pet.  Each dog
has an inspiring story to tell, filled with adventure, pathos and humor; he
has lessons to teach his upright with a moral to be learned.  Humans who
wilfully diminish the unseen personality reposited in their furry "book"
unmask themselves as morons and degrade The Good.

Uprights who approach the "living text" with reverence are transformed and
gladly educate "illiterate readers" to handle creatures respectfully. 

"Tassie loves me this I know,
For her two eyes tell me so."

Decatur, IL
"In His hand is the nephesh [soul] of every creature and the rhuach [spirit]
of all mankind."  Job 12:10
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