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[PyrNet-L] Re: [Pyr-Net]:breeding question/showing

Terry, over-population spells death, would be the most simple connection
I can make.  Yes there are plenty of other associated problems that
factor into this.  But in it's most simple form, less dogs mean less
killing.  Your responsibility may be fine in theory, and there are many
ways to be responsible, but our aim should be to reduce the numbers of
all dogs being destroyed.   A big part of that is to reduce the numbers
being born.  I'm sure you have seen the stats on,  if a dog produces one
litter, then how many dogs are produced over x amount of time, etc.  That
is the individual responsibility that we are talking about.  Not the " I
want, therefore I should have, because I didn't cause the problem to
begin with ".  This  said, and noticing that this topic is reducing the
number of people writing on the list, I will refrain ( finally ) from
writing again on the subject.  It has been interesting.   I know that at
least four Pyrs. are not adding to the problem.  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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