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[PyrNet-L] RE: Coat S&N

<<have a female that I plan on having spayed in the near future, and I'm
curious on the coat issue as I've never seen a spayed pyrs coat. Is the coat
effected over their entire body, or only near the area operated on?  Is the
overall length and appearance of the coat shorter, or are you referring to
just the texture?  Does neutering a male have the same effect on their coats? >>
Charlie the coat gets both longer and more woolly all over the body and especially the trousers down the hind legs can get really huge. The coat mats more easily than before spay/neutering and is therefore more difficult to care for. A lot depend on the original coat quality, a correct rather hard coat quality does not get as bad as a natural softer coat. It happens to both male and females. 
My first male was neutered and his coat was not too difficult to care for, did not mat easily and usually looked great. I have an old spayed girl at the moment, and her coat is awful, and this is a bitch that did not have enough coat for showing, but it was alwasy a little bit soft.
They shed the woolly underground as much as the intact ones, but not the longer outer hair, so don't get the totally naked look that bitches get after a litter or in their first shedding.
Lene Nielsen