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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Maria the sheep comes to stay

In a message dated 3/13/00 12:55:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
ame63@hotmail.com writes:

<<  Pearl sleeps with the dogs, eats with the dogs, goes on 
 trail rides with the dogs, runs down the driveway with the dogs when a truck 
 arrives, bleats instead of barks with the dogs, rides in the car with the 
 dogs...when strange dogs try to come on the property thank goodness the pack 
 drives them away as Pearl is not the brightest bulb in the pack and would 
 undoubtedly come to some misfortune.. Enjoy your new addition! >>

   Hello Ame, I had a pet sheep, her Mother died and I bottle raised her, she 
also thought I was her Mother and that she was a dog. She did all the things 
you are saying your sisters did, but she also chased the mail lady if she 
could with the dogs down the fence line, it was too funny. Bell would also 
dig holes with the dogs! Bell died 3 years ago and I miss her a lot but I 
will never go that route again I loved her too much. She loved Easter baskets 
and used to carry one around all the time and to this day I cant look at an 
Easter basket without getting teary eyed. I think sheep were meant to live in 
a pack, and the reason she took up with the dogs was to have the 
companionship. Sheep are known to be very dumb, but like anything else if you 
work with them they can learn a lot of things. Having Bell was a blast and an 
experience I will never forget, these posts brought the great memories back 
once again.

Debbie and the Pyr gang