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Re: [PyrNet-L] Help with problem

Hang in there it's not hopeless, it takes 3-6 months for hormones to die 
down after they have been neutered.

  Donna (usually a lurker)
  Lakeside K-9 Services

>I need some advice on a rather embarrassing problem.  My male pyr is really 
>bad about sniffing us and guests (and people we meet on the street) in 
>inappropriate places.  We've tried a very stern "no!" and now have moved on 
>swatting him.  When he does this, he now scrunches up his eyes like he 
>knows he's going to get swatted but it doesn't deter the behavior.  I have 
>looked through a dozen books and searched for info on the internet about 
>this problem but have found absolutely no literature on it.  Any advice?  
>He is around 3 years old and was only neutered a few months ago.  Is it 

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