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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re:Breed Clubs

In a message dated 4/18/00 10:57:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
EandUnge@aol.com writes:

<<  GPCA was much easier to join than my other breed  ,Shelties. The ASSA
  requires 5years actively showing/training in chosen
  field-performance/conformation, achieving a title on a sheltie be it a
  CD or CH & two members in your area that have been to your house & seen
  your setup write letters in  your behalf. >>
 I think it is too bad the national breed club for Shelties is so closed.   >>

Breed Clubs are no different from anything else.  Most all of this eventually 
boils down to politics and power.  When you have your power base fairly 
consolidated it serves you well not to allow open membership.  It happens all 
the time under many guises, but the result is the same i.e. a small group 
having undue influence on matters primarily for their own agenda.  Rarely is 
all this much benefit to anyone except the power brokers, certainly not the 
breed as these type people are much too busy maintaining and promoting their 
positions to be really informed about the breed.  It is unfair to indict all 
to this motive, but it certainly fits many times.  