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Re: [PyrNet-L] GPCA

On 26 Apr 00, at 9:45, Dancingpyr@aol.com wrote:

> Members of the local rescue group have been to see him, talked
> to him, and tried to stress the importance of careful breeding and
> responsible ownership.  Well, all this has fallen on deaf ears.  He's in
> it for the money, and not the benefit of the breed.  So, seriously, what
> can one do?  You can't just go out and confiscate his dogs, although you'd
> love to.

This is where the GPCA and Regional Clubs are a great service to the 
breed. It's very difficult to reach those breeders who are in it for 
the 'fast buck'.  So the next step is to educate the general public.  
All clubs hold 'Pyr Info Days' at various locations to reach the 
buying public; where we can talk about health issues, finding a good 
breeder, 'Is This Breed for You' and what's it's like living with 
these creatures we can't do without.  Educate, Educate, Educate and 
if you can reach 'just one', it seems like a good days work. 

Taos, New Mexico