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Re: [PyrNet-L] A Nasty Encounter

In a message dated 5/13/00 3:32:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
gypsyunltd@juno.com writes:

<< What on Earth am I supposed to do if another
 dog's owner can't (or won't!) control their dog and Gypsy is actually
 attacked?  Letting her loose would result in a free-for-all with both
 dogs out of control.  I can't possibly insist that she stand quietly
 while another dog attacks her, even though I would then be able to take a
 shot at stopping the other dog. >>

You need to move away from these sick idiots.  If the dogs got into a fight 
there is a very real possibility the PB would get to the underside of the Pyr 
and then it would not be pretty at all for the Pyr.  Under any circumstances 
it would not be pretty.  Spot the danger and move away.  There won't be too 
many like this psycho and he will not last long as someone will get him and 
his dog.  Just not you or your dog, the consequences are to grave potentially 
with a PB.
