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Re: [pyrnet] Does size matter for being Alpha dog?

No, lot of small dogs ( and other animals ) have enough 
" attitude" to keep a larger dog under control.    Also in a lot of cases
dogs seem to have a code where by they don't push the smaller ( or older
) dog.  Sometimes deference seems to be by sex however.  My 13 lb. 9 year
old Shih-Tzu can run my 120  lb. male, Ranger, all over the house, and he
will not do a thing.  However one of my females has gotten into it with
Su, and neither was backing down as we are rushing in to break it up. 
You need to be careful for the smaller dog ( little dogs often have more
attitude anyway ), and you have to watch the signals as to how the other
dog will react.  I.M.O.  Cindy.

Also there are some books out that tend to get us away from the "Alpha"
concept, that are worth reading.  I think we humans tend to get carried
away on the 
" alpha/control " issue and get pre-occupied with our role in dominating
them.  It is another side to the story.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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