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Re: [pyrnet] Lots of Pyrs

> That is so true. I think they are becoming something like Saint Bernards
> were 
> at one time: THE trendy large dog. Newfs are twenty times harder to find
> and 
> cost twice as much (at least!). I wonder why this isn't happening to
> their 
> breed?
> Katie

I have a pyr and a newf, but here in Ohio you can always find ads for
newfs.  I'm glad to see that they are hard to find where you are located. 
I also help out with newf rescue here, and the dogs are sad, sad
representations of the breed.  Ohio is loaded with irresponsible newf
breeders.  Knock on wood, most of them have good temperaments.  The cost,
though, is outrageous - from $800 to $1200 for sad looking dogs!!  The
dogs are usually always medical nightmares, from joint problems to heart
problems to skin problems, you name it.  Unfortunately, we'll probably
start seeing more medical problems in pyrs due to irresponsible breeders. 
I do hate to see them become more popular.


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