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Re: [pyrnet] barking at horses?

Four of our five Pyrs were familiar with horses on our property.  For the 
most part, they just ignore them.  Even Babe, the rescue, is more interested 
in the horses at the stables where we board our remaining horse, as friends 
instead of something to run and bark at.  I would think that with time, your 
girl will learn that these strange critters belong in the adjacent field and 
will ignore them too.

Interesting thing about Babe.  Last week while I was home during the morning 
hours, I noticed that she was barking more.  She has a large area that is 
"hers", and generally she is pretty content to stay "crashed out" in the 
shade.  Instead, she kept up a steady bark.  I went to check, and found her 
looking across at our neighbor's house, and then I realised what the 
"problem" was.  School is out around here now, and the wife next door gives 
piano and voice lessons out of her home.  During the school year, students 
come to her house after school and on Saturdays for their lessons, but in the 
summer they come in the mornings too.  Babe was letting us know that there 
was more activity than normal at the neighbor's house that morning.  
And they say "dogs are dumb animals".

Taylors, SC