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Re: [pyrnet] storms

I love thunderstorms.  Comes from growing up in tropical Queensland :-).  We
used to sit on the verandah in the evenings and watch the storms come over
the hills behind the house.  Hills were ironstone ridges so some pretty
spectacular lightning!!

Not so many decent storms down here where I live now, but when they do come,
I love lying in bed with the dogs cuddled up around me watching the
lightshow :-).  Only one of the dogs that really reacts at all is Halley.
She likes to get very close and bury her head under my armpit.  Tries to be
a big brave girl though and does a halfway decent job of convincing me she
is only there to protect me ;-).

For those with dogs with a fear of storms, here is a site that may provide
some assistance: http://www.uwsp.edu/acad/psych/dog/lib-prob.htm#loud

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm