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Re: [pyrnet] trouble between dogs-LONG post

On 10 Jul 00, at 4:04, tmseller wrote:

> Unfortunately, Sadie's aggression is also rolling over to some of my human
> guests, which is another reason I'm looking for another solution other
> than simply keeping them separate.  She has not threatened or bitten
> anyone yet, but she has begun posturing and growling at things that bother
> her.  

Increased aggression and all out grumpyness may be a sign of a 
thyroid problem.  Sadie may be also suffering from some aches and 
pains as she's getting older.  I'd have a vet check and thyroid panel 
done on Sadie. Also Bonnie seems at the age where she wants to move 
into the alpha position.  It does sound like the aggression has 
progressed to the point that you will have to separate these two 
girls permanently.  It is also a concern that Sadie is now troubled 
by your friends and different situations like the young man with the 
ear phones.  I'd get a vet check on Sadie and start crate training 
Bonnie. A portable kennel outside would allow you to put the dogs 
outside, one kennelled, one free in the yard. If you feel Sadie won't 
accept a crate, then just crate Bonnie if both girls are inside. When 
they are outside you can rotate them in the kennel run.

Taos, New Mexico