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Re: [pyrnet] Mother/Daughter Relations

>This began when Juma was about 3 months old and has been a regular
>ever since.  Juma has learned to keep her distance from mother.
>will sniff her, begin to growl, and then do this aggressive
>posing/snarling/snapping thing towards Juma.

The mother is head of the pack and she wants Juma to recognize this.
Please be careful for Juma may soon decide to fight back and once
that happens you may never be able to place the two together.
Animals do not recognize the family structure of parent-child as
do.  They recognize pack order.  Remove food and any chew goodies
before placing the two together.  Try to only let them be together at
your home since the mother does not try dominance traits there.
Again, be very careful for around the age of 2 is when young pyrs
start trying for their place in the hiearchy.