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Re: [pyrnet] New subscriber

Erin, Joe gives good firm advice on this, as well as Jan.  My first
thought was to implore you not to do the pet shop /puppy mill again.  I
know it is a loss financially, but probably not as expensive as it will
be if you choose another puppy and don't find out the problems till much
later on.  And think what that will do to your child, to have a dog for a
year or two and have something happen.  Of course, I must add, that I do
not advocate ever buying a dog specifically for children.  The breed must
be for you, and your choice, taking in all the variables in your life. 
Children, activities, where and how you live etc.  In the end, you, not
your child, are the ones that will be responsible for your dog for 12
plus years.  Take the loss on the pup.  Regret that it was an expensive
one.  But go to a good breeder and wait for a healthy happy, well loved

Also, are you aware that Pyrs. are generally barkers?, They shed tons. 
They can be quite accomplished escape artists.  Smart as a whip, but very
stubborn.  They have a history of not really needing people to tell them
what to do, so ,often they just plain don't listen.  Have you done your
research on the breed, did the pet store tell you these things? A
reputable breeder will !

As Joe points out, I have rarely seen a good breeder charge more for a
pet pup.  But pet stores usually do charge twice as much or more, as what
you would pay from a breeder.  How did you go about looking for a pup,
that you say you couldn't find one?  Remember, anything really good, is
worth waiting for!!

Good Luck, we are sorry to hear this happened.  We are also sorry for all
those poor pups that start life so horribly at the hands of puppy millers
making a buck!  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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