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Re: [pyrnet] Barking

--- JKW9298@aol.com wrote:
> He is an inside dog, and will bark at anything! You
> name it he barks at 
> it.lol He goes outside during the day,but mostly an
> inside dog. People have 
> suggested I get him de-barked but I dont know.

I agree 100% with Jan: if after exploring all the
training options, the choice becomes one of minor
surgery vs. getting rid of your dog, I would choose
debarking any day. To me, it is no different than
suggesting that a pet owner have her dog neutered to
see if that will solve an aggression problem. 

I have a VERY barky Pyr and it is a constant battle to
keep him quiet enough to live with -- mostly when he
is out in the yard but increasingly, when he is in the
house (which is most of the time). He is an excellent
guard dog so I appreciate what he is trying to do for
us, but I am not sure that the neighbors do :-)


Katie Allison Granju

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