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Re: [pyrnet] Massage Therapy

Peggy, a few years back my daughter was working a summer for a Vet. 
There was a Mother cat and kittens brought in and dumped.  In time, all
the kittens and the Mother were adopted, but one.  He had a crippled
front leg and walked on it down at elbow level, or hopped around with it
hanging.  The Vet. examined him and could find no real deformity, but
surmised it might have to do with nerve damage because he always had it
hanging out of the cage bars trying to play with people or animals in the
next cage.  Since no one was going to take him, he was going to put the
kitten down.  My daughter brought him home, called him Katmandu, and
proceeded to work on daily massages on the leg.  in time he started
moving better on it, moving the joint area down to the wrist ( so to
speak), and eventually right up on his foot, but it was rolled over at
the toes.  Kinda cute, he looked like he was walking on his fist! 
Eventually he regained full use of his leg, that little paw opened up
into normal position, and he is perfectly fine now.  So I think massage
therapy really can make a difference.

I know I just enjoy massaging the dogs legs and shoulders.  I love the
way they relax into it, and I think it is another way of improving the
relationship, specially since animals love the sensation of touch so
much!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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