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Re: [pyrnet] Tearing the house apart

Bonnie, is your yard totally open or does it have obstacles like trees
and things?  If it is open, with short grass etc. you might try buying
heavy duty clear plastic fishing line, and a small clasp tied security to
it.  Let Sophie out with this on.  When you want her, start to call her,
and then start taking in the line.  It is light enough that she shouldn't
be real aware of it, and strong enough ( get the tough heavy weight stuff
), that you can get some momentum on.  Don't really try to actually haul
her in with it though, just use it for jerks and reminders that moving
forward is good for a lot of praise!  Then a treat and a good word when
she actually gets to you.  The object is not to have her totally aware of
being on a line, just that you have this  "control" over a distance. 
Whatever you do, don't push it to the point of breaking the line, or she
will be thinking she is even more smart about avoiding the silly human
that wants her to come in! :-)  Worth a try if you have the type of yard
that it won't be getting caught up on!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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