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Re: [pyrnet] spaying after the first heat

Actually there is an article that suggests that no healthy dog ( with a
normal immune system ) has ever proven positive for rabies after being
given two consecutive vaccinations ( one each year, two years ).  So even
if you gave your dog a booster at age 7, just for good measure, it would
be more than enough.

Just the fact that in some areas a vaccination is good for three years (
Michigan say ), in others two years 
( California for instance ) and Texas is every year.  Using the same
serum in all cases.  Certainly Ca. and  Tx. face similar risks due to
their proximity to the border.  So the whole rabies issue becomes
questionable.  What games are being played here?  Sure isn't really being
based on risk factors.  And that takes us back to why we even do it as
often as we do?  Makes one think!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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