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Re: [pyrnet] GPCA

In a message dated 9/28/00 6:26:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, pyreau@erols.com 

<< One of the problems with an open membership for anyone interested is that 
 Great Pyrenees Club of America is the body that is responsible for the AKC 
 standard.  Any changes made to that document have to be voted on by the GPCA
 membership.  Any other AKC decision about our breed go throught the GPCA 
 the GPCA decides which colors should be designated on the registration 
 It seems to me that the thinking of those Board members in  favor of  
 membership requirements is that the people who are going to be asked to vote 
 these things need to be informed.  >>

The GPCA got along pretty well with the original policy from about 1935 until 
the board became very concerned that those unethical breeders who were 
members were using its sterling name as an advertising vehicle, at least 
that's that a board member told the Regional Clubs in Vancover, WA several 
years ago when they came up with this first change.  Now the reasons since 
have seemed to develop some diversity, so I guess there is an effort to 
continue to develop the rationale for a more restrictive policy.  

Problem in my mind is I do not think the big battle is in the AKC and the 
GPCA affiliation.  I believe it is in the tens of thousands of fields, where 
the dogs are being sold to work by the working dog breeders without one whit 
of concern for the breeds history or any of its characteristics.  I don't see 
any attempt to address this.  I only see scoffing and "what else is new" that 
we just saw in the last few days.  
