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Re: [pyrnet] Re(2): [abuse detection

In a message dated 9/29/00 10:16:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
clhenke@juno.com writes:

<< Carol, I am sure he is coming in with his own baggage and that is why he
 does have a distrust of men. >>
Our oldest male, Baron, distrusts men.  He's fine with David and our friend 
Kris, and he was fine with my Dad, but unless he knows the man, he's very 
distrustful.  We were visiting my aunt and uncle in Pennsylvania the other 
year, sitting on their front porch enjoying the afternoon sun.  My uncle came 
out, and went to pet Baron, and Baron wouldn't have anything to do with him.  
We told my uncle to just ignore him, so  Uncle sat down with us and we all 
had a nice chat.  About five minutes after sitting down, Baron walked up to 
him, gave him a sniff or two, and proceeded to lay his head in Uncle's lap.  
From that point on, they were friends.

Now, we got Baron at 8 weeks of age.  Have no idea why he's like this, other 
than the fact that he came from a breeder that does NOT believe in 
socialising the pups.  

Taylors, SC