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Re: [pyrnet] GPCA

Katie, I appreciate Sandy passing on that first part of what an ILP is,
saves me writing so much.  The second part is that it is part of what is
going up for a vote along with the Dwarf issue.  With your ILP # you will
be able to participate in AKC events ( minus conformation ).  But, if the
club votes against it, your ILP dogs will not be eligible 
for awards or recognition within the GPCA.  Currently the high scoring
Pyr. for 99 is a Dwarf.  The thinking being, that we don't want the
"wrong" type of Pyr. representing the breed.  So people who have rescued,
or got their Pyr. in some other fashion, without papers, but still enjoy
and participate with them in events, will not be recognized because their
dog is "wrong".  Ironically you may indeed have a Pyr. from a good
breeder, that just got passed down without papers, rather than going back
to the breeder.  This dog may have an incorrect eye, too wavy a coat,
missing double dew claw, etc., anything that makes the dog pet quality
rather than show quality.  And suddenly some people are going to say that
this dog doesn't pass muster as a rep. of the breed, and we don't want to
acknowledge him.  This may not matter to some at all, it may seem tacky
to others, or even elitist to others (sorry David, I know you don't like
comment ).  Or your Pyr. might save 20 people from a burning bldg., and 
not merit a mention from the clubs awards.  And while we probably all
agree on research to eliminate dwarfism in  Pyrs., do we not acknowledge
what they and their loving partners accomplish???  This is the question
that is going to be voted on by the club members.  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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