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Re: [pyrnet] GPCA

    Some good things to think about.  I was at the Annual Meeting, but have
to admit that I have not yet read the articles in the Bulletin.  I didn't
realize that ILP was part of the vote.  After all, if one thinks of an ILP
number as one given to a dog that looks like a Great Pyrenees but has no
papers to proove that it is one, it would still qualify as a dog that looks
like a Pyr.  It seems like the point was that the GPCA really does not want
to in any way encourage the breeding of dwarfs.  Dwarfs in the obedience ring
do not have to jump as high or as far as a full-sized Pyr.  Consequently,
they really are not even competing under the same conditions. This really is
not fair competition.   I did not get the impression that these dogs could
not receive other GPCA awards, i.e. awards for earning obedience degrees, for
gaining Versatility certificates or anything like that.  The only thing that
they would not be able to receive are the Hall of Fame Awards...These are the
"cream of the crop" awards for the very few dogs that have won things like
all-breed Best in Shows.  These awards are given to a very small percentage
of the dogs owned by GPCA members.  We've had Pyrs for 31 years and could not
dream of having a HOF award on one of our dogs.  I got the impression that
not awarding HOF awards to dwarfs was a very similar thing to the German
Shepherd Dog club not giving awards to white German Shepherds because white
is a fault that shepherd breeders do not want to encourage
    I'm sure you will let me know if I am wrong....but I do welcome comments.

Charlotte....Hey, I'll bet I haven't sent this many e-mails in the past 6
months!.  Kinda fun, maybe I should quit my job.

clhenke@juno.com wrote:

> Katie, I appreciate Sandy passing on that first part of what an ILP is,
> saves me writing so much.  The second part is that it is part of what is
> going up for a vote along with the Dwarf issue.  With your ILP # you will
> be able to participate in AKC events ( minus conformation ).  But, if the
> club votes against it, your ILP dogs will not be eligible
> for awards or recognition within the GPCA.  Currently the high scoring
> Pyr. for 99 is a Dwarf.  The thinking being, that we don't want the
> "wrong" type of Pyr. representing the breed.  So people who have rescued,
> or got their Pyr. in some other fashion, without papers, but still enjoy
> and participate with them in events, will not be recognized because their
> dog is "wrong".  Ironically you may indeed have a Pyr. from a good
> breeder, that just got passed down without papers, rather than going back
> to the breeder.  This dog may have an incorrect eye, too wavy a coat,
> missing double dew claw, etc., anything that makes the dog pet quality
> rather than show quality.  And suddenly some people are going to say that
> this dog doesn't pass muster as a rep. of the breed, and we don't want to
> acknowledge him.  This may not matter to some at all, it may seem tacky
> to others, or even elitist to others (sorry David, I know you don't like
> that
> comment ).  Or your Pyr. might save 20 people from a burning bldg., and
> not merit a mention from the clubs awards.  And while we probably all
> agree on research to eliminate dwarfism in  Pyrs., do we not acknowledge
> what they and their loving partners accomplish???  This is the question
> that is going to be voted on by the club members.  Cindy
> Cindy Henke
> clhenke@juno.com
> Ennis, Texas
> "All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
> in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka
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