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[pyrnet] vacationing with pyrs

Kim I loved the pictures of your furry family.We took our pyr to main last
year that was when we only had the one!!!Then went up to Nigeria Falls,I
think for our entire family that had to be the best vacation ever and it was
due to Shadow every one wants to ask you about your dog,I was amazed of the
amount of people that asked if he was a white Newfi.Pyrs just seem to bring
out the best in people.But I must admit after a couple of days with not
being able to sit for fear of drawing a crowd and hiding in parking lots
waiting for the rest of the family to get done with whatever they were
looking at.I was glad to get back home.Now I want to get back to Main to see
what I missed minus the pyrs LOL
Peggy ,Shadow                                             &Noel