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Re: [pyrnet] Starting a Great Pyr on sheep....and photos of our new girl

>This little girl was supposedly on cattle, but I just cannot imagine
>unless she simply does not view the sheep as stock and more as
> I have taken some photos of her and have her page up on my web site:
>http://www.threedogfarm.com/  Please, everyone, take a look and tell
>what you think.  We really adore her.

Some dogs prefer to guard cattle over sheep.  Sheep are much easier to
spook if a pup bounces at them.

>I was able to find a web site with a listing of some good books and
>ordered a few of them today.  I hope they will help somewhat!
*smile*  I
>just wish I knew someone who truly knows about training Great Prys
>could see her and tell me if I am right on what I think I am seeing.
>really seems to be coming along to me.  I guess we'll know once I
>turn her out.  Thanks again for your post.

The GPC of California has an excellent web site, Catherine de la Cruz
is the webmaster and has used LGDs for several years.

A pyr can act the part of a LGD at an early age but can not defend
itself against predators.  By 18 months they should have enough
confidence to be an effective fulltime LGD.

What is most important to remember when buying a LGD is
that you want a breeder who knows the ins and outs of what
to do.  You want a breeder who you feel comfortable with
and have a good relationship with for the next 8 to 12 years.
I realize your girl (she has a sweet face) is from a shelter.
After she is established you may want to bring in a
male pup for her to train.

A few people who are very willing to answer your LGD
questions along with Joe are Catherine, cdlcruz@sonic.net
Linda Weisser, lmweisser@olywa.net, Mary McGuire,
pyrplus@netpluscom.com, Patti Brunkala, menditar@grrtech.com
Angie Meroshnekoff, awhitedog@aol.com, or you are
welcome to email me, Kerry Woods, woodskk@eburg.com

Continue with the supervision of introducing your girl to your
sheep.  It may take a few more weeks before she is completely
trustworthy.  If she makes a mistake, start over again of taking
her through the sheep on lead.  Someone on one of the lists
said it is managing the instinct not really training - I think that
is very true.