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Re: [pyrnet] Are Pyr's really right for surburbia?

I have two very much loved, mostly indoors, neutered male pyrs.  They bark
very little because we three work at it a lot, every day.  As much as I love
them and could not do without them, my experience with them makes me think
that pyrs are not a good match for suburbia.

Although the dogs love life in suburban air conditioning, it is extremely
hard on the owner.  The more you are a responsible dog owner and responsible
neighbor, the harder it is.

For most people, I think that to train a pyr enough to live in suburbia is
too big of a job and too much work.  If you don't train, the dog will end up
in rescue or at the pound or the sheriff will be at your door regularly.

For those who still want to try it, it is essential to start training the
pyr at 8 weeks.  At that age, a simple No and a finger tap on the nose (no
force at all) is very effective. For older dogs that are not trained, if the
choice is the pound or de-barking, I would be-grudgingly say de-barking.
