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[pyrnet] Big Dogs and Hotel/Motel Rooms

Bridget and all,

Large dogs banned from motel rooms has nothing to do with size per se. We are just a
lot more obvious than the small dogs. My brother-in-law never brings up the issue
of travelling with his toy poodle. He does not even consider it an issue. Tom can and
smuggle "Snoopy" everywhere. And its not because Snoopy is good. He is one of the
most hyper yappie dogs I have ever met.

So in typical American evenhandedness we penalize those we can catch.  You have
a harder time trying to snag a poodle smuggled in under a rain coat than a Pyr walked

gently on a leash down the hall. Its the poodle who digs for pay dirt in the carpet,
its the Pyr too pooped by the ride who zonks out for the duration.

I think that we, as Pyr owners, and our dogs are judged to higher standards simply
because of the size. And we frequently have to make up for the size challenged (and
frequently discipline challenged owners of these small) dogs.

Was it Edith Smith who wrote that "...a Great Pyrenees in the petunias is much more
obvious than a dog of lesser stature".  So true.

And re the cleaning fees, they were standard at the Marriott no matter the size of
your dog or how long you stayed. They were a one time shot and frankly I would rather

pay this and be treated as a welcomed guest than be banned.



> From: Ghost Rider
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 5:43 PM
> To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
> Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Hotel/Motel rooms
>  . . Unfortunately, during the past few years many of these places have
> elected to not
> allow dogs. Or no dogs over 10 lbs . . .
> Alright...
>     You all have been talking about hotels/motels...let me ask you this:
>     What is the difference between having a 10 pound dog that makes a big
> mess (1 & 2) all over the place and 100 pound dog that is better trained?
> And the cleaning fees...well, if they are cleaning the place what differe=
> nce
> does it make how much the dog weighs.  Do they use a different strength
> cleaner.  I think not!!!


>     So if any of you know the answer to this question please let me know.
> Bridget, Bear & Princess
> Alabama Gulf Coast
> kaiser4@gulftel.com