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[pyrnet] Big Dog Misconceptions

> And re the cleaning fees, they were standard at the Marriott no matter the
size of
> your dog or how long you stayed. They were a one time shot and frankly I
would rather
> pay this and be treated as a welcomed guest than be banned.
> Regards,
> Carol

    Amen to that whole letter!  I would most certainly not mind paying extra
for Bear to be able to go where we go.  He is a member of our family as we
see it and he goes most everywhere we go.  If I we go to my in-laws, my
family, where ever, Bear goes and is allowed inside.  No one seems to mind
his size because he is so well behaved.
    The behavior comparison between the large and smaller breed dogs is
another thing that kills me.  Just because Bear is big does not mean that he
is going to eat you or tear up your house or any of the stereotypical "bad"
things associated with large dogs.  The making a bigger mess I will give you
because they shed so much and I am constantly sweeping the floors!!!!  But
that's alright, too.
    As Pyr owners you all know these dogs are one of the best.  Once out of
the puppy stage the don't eat your stuff.  They aren't as hyper as the
little dogs that I've had in the past.  And in spite of their size they have
earned the name "Gentle Giants."  BTW...they are absolutely great with my
