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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors

----- Original Message -----
From: <SovreignPyrs@aol.com>

Sorry Linda, I have met many pyr breeders ovr the last 6 years, and I can
tell you most refuse to discuss anything regarding any dog even within the
same bloodline that they themselves have not owned or bred.   >>

So, how does this connect to the Code of Ethics?  This kind of secretive
"junk" has been going on long before the CofE came into being and it goes
on in breeds and clubs that have no Code.  I was/am not denying the
secrecy, just trying to figure out why you (or anyone for that matter)
thinks that this secrecy is a "result" of having a Code.

<<I already had my dogs
before I ever knew dwarfism was a problem in the breed.   Just this week I
hear that Heart problems exist in the breed.  So we all sit here waiting
the other shoe to drop so to speak.   What else is out there that I could
have, that I don;t know about?  It boggles the mind.>>

That's true and I am not here to "argue" that point.  I am here to express
my really strong belief that it is the business, no the *responsibility*,
of breeders to educate newcomers and especially want-to-be breeders about
all of the issues in this breed.  The club cannot do it all.  And many
people do not know where to find us, although that is getting better via
the internet.  (Sidebar--we really are working on a health page for the
GPCA website...) Dwarfism is no "secret" in this breed and hasn't been for
decades.  Just as neither is dysplasia, PL, ocd etc etc.  If you weren't
"taught" by the people from whom you got your dogs, they let you down.  The
serious heart issues in the breed have really just surfaced.  This is not
to say that they haven't been there for a while but sometimes it take a
while for information to percolate up from the few dogs and the "silent"
breeder in to the light of day and public information.

<<He preferred brother and sister.  He said
that way if there were any genetic nightmares to unfold he knew right then
and there for the most part.   He said he very quicly knew if someone was
being quite honest.  >>

Actually if you really delve into genetic diversity you may find out why
this is not true.  Why you sometimes get fewer problems when you inbreed
than you do when you outcross and uncover what is lurking.  However, this
is way too long an issue for this discussion.
