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Re: [pyrnet] Major Snow!

In a message dated 12/30/00 10:35:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
srwhitney1@juno.com writes:

<< Well, I took them out in the snow (now at least 10 inches, measured on
 top of the picnic table) and tried to take some pictures.  Hard to get
 Anais (Pyr) in.  Ciaran (Wolfhound) was ready to come in after a little
 while, standing at the door and barking. >>
Here, in Connecticut the landscape resembles a scene from "Doctor Zhivago." 
Jasper has been in and out three times (so far) since 6:30 AM. I let him out 
for about 45 minutes at a time. He charges all along the perimeter of our 
fence line, breaking snow as he runs. He was actually rolling around in it 
for a while; sort of making Pyrenean Snow Angels. After a short respite 
inside, just long enough to dry off and enjoy some treats, he starts ringing 
his bell (a small cow bell attached to the back door) to be let out again. 
Debbie and I are taking this opportunity to start on a jigsaw puzzle that we 
received for Christmas. there is no sense in even attempting to do any snow 
clearing at this time. How is everyone else doing?

Terry in Connecticut; or is it Siberia?