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Re: [pyrnet] Shelters and Breeders (was: shelters)

On 25 Jan 01, at 7:33, JGentzel@aol.com wrote:

> We seem to have little (almost no, there
> are a couple folks who on their own and in positions in the GPCA do try
> and interact) interest in education and interaction with these large
> commercial flock type groups who are very legitimate groups and carry much
> influence with many thousands of folks.  They are recommending that they
> not purchase from us, but one of the "working breeders."  These folks are
> actually contemptuous of us.  We are the breeders who officially represent
> the breed?  Mostly, "working breeders" who are not GPCA affiliated care
> nothing about rescue, so we rescue their dogs.  What is wrong with this
> picture?   

These groups also consider the GPCA a snooty, elitist group, who 
breeds fluffy white couch dogs.  They truly don't think a dog from 
show lines can work.  But * some also do not hesitate to play on the 
names of show lines in their dogs, even if those lines are back 10 
generations.  Of more concern is the lack of health certification 
done on these dogs.  I had one such breeder tell me there was no need 
to certify for hip dysplasia, as their dogs did not have HD,  " They 
move just fine".

With all the health conditions surfacing in the breed, the breed 
might be well served if the GPCA sent ' Health Alert ' reports to 
some of the large commercial flock groups, for inclusion in their 
publications.  There is little sharing or education between livestock 
producers on the health of the Great Pyrenees. Strange, as the health 
of their livestock is of the utmost importance to them. I have talked 
with several livestock producers that have no idea about the health 
issues in the breed.

Taos, New Mexico