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Re: [pyrnet] Shelters and Breeders (was: shelters)

Terry, we have one Lasa in the paper today.  Black and white, M& F's. 
$300.  The Pet store prices run easily around $800.  And of course I talk
myself blue on trying to push rescues in any breed.  I agree with you, I
am at a loss as to how to get through to people.  I still don't know why
anyone would pay $500. more than they needed to, without even knowing
what prices run?  Thanks for letting me kow that, what would the price of
a Lasa be in your paper?  

By the way, I do know the feeling of looking at those babies in the
cages.  I feel for all of them and it is so heard when it is the breed
you have and love.  Shih-Tzu's are quite common in pet store's, and since
I have one of those, it is especially hard on me too.  Shih-Tzu' in our
paper run $150. to $350. and we have ten of those in the paper today. 
That is comparable to what we paid in Michigan for Su-Ling nine years
ago.  This is also a $600 to 800, breed in the pet stoes.  Another trend
we see here is mixed breed in the pet stores, and bizarre $300. prices?? 
Now that is bizarre!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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