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Re: [pyrnet] Shelters and Breeders (was: shelters)

From: <clhenke@juno.com>
<< Karen, could you at some point give me a rough idea of what prices on a
few random other breeds run up in your area?  If you have a paper available,
that type of thing. No biggie, I am just curious as to what the real
differences are around the country price wise.  Bet it would be interesting.

Well, I finally sat down to read the paper today and there were 2 ads for

GREAT PYRENEES PUPS: Working dog lines. $400-500.
101 GREAT Pyrennes Pups: AKC, OFA, good w/kids shots wormed $500

These are about average prices for Pyrs in my area of NY state.  They may be
higher as you move closer to Albany or Downstate near NY City.  Some other
breeds, English Mastiffs, ranging from $500.00 - $1,800.00.  Labs are going
for 50-750.  It really varies.  It also depends on what the market will
bear.  I think that you have a much bigger problem with  flea markets and
farm type sales then we do here.  If I'm not mistaken, most of the farms in
NY state are growers/milk farms and not so much cattle.  I could be wrong on
this but don't have time to check.
