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Re: [pyrnet] Shelters and Breeders (was: shelters)

Hi Karen, once again I am giving this reply a second go round.  This poor
old computer of mine is truly in sad shape.  I just about had a total
reply to you last night almost ready to sign off and zap...the thing is
gone!  I think the heat  factors in to it at night, but I don't know.

Pet Shops/ I do hear that it is different up there.  Yes, there is a huge
difference between pet shop prices and sales out of the papers.  $150 to
250 is average in the paper, a few may do $350.  Pet stores run $650 to
This applies to a lot of breeds not just Pyrs., as I tend to scan through
and check a bit on everything.  And of course the wonderful flea markets
will let them go for $50.  Any wonder there is a problem down here?  And
yes, I agree with you on the impulse buying out of pet stores, and why
people have no idea of what they are getting.

While I don't know how it can be, with the amount of books, magazines,
T.V. programs, and popularity of pets these days.  I guess your right. 
Evidently people do not know ( or do they just not care I wonder?) about
the best way to buy a dog.  Certainly true in the case of my brother! 
Amazes me since I think we are deluged with information these days, but I
guess people tune it out till it suits them.  Thus, a lot of really bad

I've lived all over the country, and the buy them and breed them method
seemed common in all areas to me!
I guess every ones experiences are different or they see it in a
different light.  Anyway, from my point of view I stand by the way I have
seen people act in regards to breeding.
Certain areas are worse than others though.

I'm glad to hear that you wouldn't force someone into breeding a dog back
if they were really uncomfortable with they whole thing.  But a lot of
breeders seem to really get into this.  I agree that it is always best
when people honor the contract they signed, but along the same line, I
think a lot of people get caught up in the romantic idea of having
wonderful litters of pups, with their breeder supporting them into the
new experience, before they ever live with the one dog they have.  I also
think that a lot of breeders don't really get into the unromantic part of
living with intact dogs, and the problems that can go along with it. 
Eventually people begin to figure out that there is work involved, not
just bucks ( this seems to shock them ) , and there may be times that
living with an intact animal is not so good, especially if they are not
experienced.  Not to mention the big things that can happen within a
family that might change things as far as the breeding.  If the dog is so
valuable to a breeding program, then perhaps it should just be kept.  Or,
there must be some leeway as to you "win some and loose some".  I can't
see forcing someone who for whatever reason, really becomes gun shy about
Granted, it would be nice if everyone really understood what they were
getting into with a contract before this became an issue.  But I wonder
how many breeders selling this way, really get into the negatives? 
Catch-22 I guess.  If the dog was as close to perfection as you thought
you were going to get, would you really be selling it to just anyone? 
Wouldn't you keep it?  Or, make sure it went into another breeders home ,
that you respected and new they would value the quality?  I have to doubt
that you would place a dog of that quality with just anyone...right? :-)

I don't think I ever implied that I was attempting to force anyone to do
anything.  Again, I made the comment that
"it wasn't going to happen".  I am entitled to think however, that the
world would be a better place if we looked out for the other guy, or the
over population of dogs and their deaths.  You can't make people care,
and obviously there are less and less that do.  Most care to whatever
degree they feel like, and some, like the puppy millers, don't care at
all.  Animals are just a product to be sold and to make money off of. 
The "other" cash crop.  I do feel that over production cheapens life, but
that is just my opinion ,as I took great care to point out in all my

Karen, could you at some point give me a rough idea of what prices on a
few random other breeds run up in your area?  If you have a paper
available, that type of thing.
No biggie, I am just curious as to what the real differences are around
the country price wise.  Bet it would be interesting.  Funny enough on
average there may be none, to three ads. for Pyrs. in our Dallas paper. 
A huge group would be five listings.  It's the flea market sales, and the
stock ranchers that get us with Pyrs. here.  Have enjoyed talking about
this with you!  :-)  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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