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Re: [pyrnet] LGD breeders (was Shelters and Breeders)

> I guess the question is, if the main reason for recommending that working 
> Pyrs "not" be gotten from Show kennels because these dogs cannot work, 
> need to educate them.  There are as many variables and agendas as there
> folks, but eliminating the agendas and conflicts, why would they
> against our dogs?  The ones I have talked with and one in particular is
> well known nationally and within the organization, simply was under the 
> impression that the show dogs could not work.>>

This is standard for the "goat" people here in South Carolina, whether they
belong to the ADGA (like I had done prior to getting out of the goat
business), the meat goat associate, or not.  For the past couple of years,
David and I have been asked to bring our Oberhasli and Pyrs to the "Goat
Field Day" sponsored by Clemson University.  Two years ago, we took Zoe and
Baron with us.  First, they were clean (we were showing both regularly),
and they were use to crowds of people so we knew there wouldn't be a
problem with either of them.  After the talk which went well, we headed
back to the stall where we had the goats and the dogs on display.  A man
walked up to us, and started to ask questions about our dogs.  We were
happy to answer any questions he had, but when he found out that we also
showed these dogs, he just walked away!  In his mind, show dogs couldn't
work and working dogs didn't belong in the ring.  Sure, not all Pyrs make
good LGDs, just as every Pyr wasn't meant to be a show dog.  But I do like
to prove people wrong about what these dogs can and cannot do :-)

--- Robyn Allwright
--- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
--- Ziffany Great Pyrenees