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[pyrnet] The Westminster Experience Part 2

We walked into what was supposed to be a 3 bedded, newly
renovated room, to find 2 beds, and a cot on the way. The room
was NOT newly renovated, and there was mildew all over the
bathroom ceiling, but we were there! Jackie, of course, refused
to eat, and Dianne and I decided to go down to the restaurant for
dinner. We had dinner, the food was good and the service was
excellent. A bit pricey, but after all, it was NYC. We got an
appetizer to take back to the room for McKee, even though she had
said she was not hungry, headed out to the Deli across the street
so Dianne could buy cigarettes and use the ATM, then back up to
the room. McKee was very happy to have the appetizer we brought
back, and we sat and talked for a while. At some point while we
were having dinner, the cot arrived, so we decided to see how bad
it was. Actually, it was pretty OK, and Dianne opted to sleep on
the cot. We decided to turn in at about 11 PM and put in for a
6AM wake up call. All of a sudden it hit me, we are actually in a
hotel room in NYC, going to Westminster the next day! I could not
sleep, so I talked for probably another hour before we finally
drifted off. Poor Dianne and McKee. Jackie, of course, was
sleeping on the bed with McKee. The wake up call came at 6 AM and
Dianne threw on her coat and went down to Dunkin Donuts for coffe
and donuts. I had butterflies in my stomach and could not eat a
thing. McKee was the same way. We readied for the walk across the
street to the "Garden", loaded the crate dolly and headed for the
service elevators. Each one that stopped, of course, was already
full. So, I sent them out to the regular elevators with the dog
and stayed with the gear. About 40 mins. later, I finally caught
an empty elevator going up, which was fine as at least I was on
one, and it had to go back down, eventually. Which it did. When I
got down to the Lobby, Dianne was there, but no McKee. Dianne had
taken the stairs, but as it was 9 flights down, (we were on the
3rd floor) McKee did not want to take Jackie down that way.
Finally McKee made it down and we checked out of the hotel and
checked all of our baggage, plus the extra crate, into the
baggage check area. And off to Westminster we went! We got McKee
and Jackie to the Exhibitor's entrance and had to walk back
around to the front to buy our tickets. We were in line for
easily a half hour, if not more, but we got our tickets and made
our way up the escalators to the benching floor. Slithered our
way through the crush of people to the grooming area. And I do
mean slithered! There were wall to wall spectators. Found the
handler and McKee and Jackie, and waited for the groomer. Finally
Jackie was put on the table to be made ready for the show. Dianne
and I walked around to spot more Pyrs, and Dianne took a bunch of
candid shots of the Pyrs being groomed. We met Alan and
"Elizabeth", James and the Giant Peach, "Etienne", and most of
the others. We then headed off to find somewhere legal to have a
cigarette. Then headed back to watch Pyrs. Pyrs were on right
after Dobies, and the dobies were just starting, so we headed to
ringside. The handler took Jackie, and Dianne and McKee went up
into the stands, and I stood at ringside, biding my time until
the Dobie folks moved away from the ring and I could squeeze in
closer. The aisles between the rings are not that wide, and
people were standing at least 4 deep on each side of the aisles,
watching their respective breeds in each ring. Then I hear this
whistle blowing. Here comes an employee from the "Garden" blowing
his whistle, telling everyone to stand back so a woman with a
doublewide stroller could get through! Sheesh! She must have been
someone very important, or I'm sure that would never have been
allowed. IMO, it should not have been allowed anyway. Fianlly,
Dobies were done and the Dobie people moved away and I slid right
in to a spot along the edge of the ring. I had a wonderful
vantage point to see movement.  More in Part 3.

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!