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Re: [pyrnet] Feedback on Animal Planet presentation on Pyrs?

I think they addressed the shedding by giving one treat for cleanliness (or something like that) and commenting that they shed a lot once a year in spring and summer.)  I remember thinking at the time that that wasn't my idea of what cleanliness meant.  Of course, I am learning that Pyr owners are not best advised to have black as their primary wardrobe color at any time of year, which I would not have picked up from watching this program.  Also, last year, Anais did her major shedding in and around February, quite near her first birthday, and I find that a lot more hair is starting to come out now again, so she at least doesn't seem to be following the spring/summer shedding.
I really think that 1/2 hour is not long enough to give even a brief overview that includes the important points.  They left out major areas when they did Wolfhounds, as well.
I did really enjoy seeing the puppies with the little lamb.  I would have liked that part to be longer and would have liked them to show Pyrs living in other than country types of circumstances as well.  I also thought that they overemphasized the need for a large property.  I find, in my very limited experience, that Anais gets exactly the same amount of exercise in my very small side yard (about 15'x50') as she does in my larger back yard, where she completely ignores the whole yard and runs back and forth along the 50 feet of fence line that is along the road.
Stephanie, Anais & Ciaran
On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:31:50 -0500 "Barb Bowes" <bamb@monmouth.com> writes:
Joe, I do not remember them saying the Pyr did not bark a lot, but neither did they mention that Pyrs are world class barkers! I sure wish they had done so. I also wish they had shown a Pyr living in a city or Suburban setting and shown the owner rushing every minute or so to shush the dog, as well as using various appliances for removing Pyr hair from clothing, furniture and carpeting. :-)
Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!