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Re: [pyrnet] Feedback on Amimal Planet presentation on Pyrs?

    Exactly!  It was a rescued pup wasn't it and who knows what it had been through before.  The ewe really could've hurt the little guy.  He may not be suited for LGD work but I think more evaluation is in store.  I know for a fact, one of our youngsters loves the sheep and goat but the goat, being extremely mischievous, started some trouble last night.  I heard the pup barking and it turned out, it was directed toward Jafi`a (the goat).  I corrected the pup and went back in.  A little later the same thing, only not as aggressive ('cause she knew better now) but more frightened.  This time the goat got in serious trouble with me, as she was standing there tormenting the pup acting like she was going to butt her.  The poor pup had wet herself and this is just a young pygmy doe.  This hadn't happened before and the pup is about as big as she is but like I said, the goat got in trouble and Rajah (the alpha) was let out.  Needless to say, Jafi`a went back to her own business.
    Raj is really good about that stuff, one corrective bark will usually do it.
{I know I'm getting off subject here but just as an example:  A while back, the notorious goat decided to try ripping the siding off the out building with her horns.  I was out feeding and yelled at her.  Didn't work of course, so I had to go down and shoo her away.  Went back up the hill and she started again so I had to go back down.  She waited 'til I got back on the hill and started again.  This time I said her name and started toward her.  Rajah had been watching the whole thing and decided enough was enough & before I'd taken two steps, she barked and walked toward the goat, causing her to stop and not do it again.
Raj loves 'em but she knew what was going on.  Even though I know how intelligent the Pyrs are, they constantly amaze me.  :) }
    I don't remember hearing them say anything about not barking, I thought they said they were barkers.  (Have it taped will look and see.)
    The same things did cause some concern with me except I didn't notice anything about excessive drool just that the tiger cub got "slimed".  :)  I've also notice in the more recent Breed All About It episodes, they haven't been doing anything on conformation, obedience, etc.  But I must say, I've been imagining their intro on this series for a few years and it went as I'd always pictured....I was actually quivering when it came on.  :)  They got to my other love, Cockers, a while back but stressed "field vs. show" type which I do not agree with.  I'm always pushing the original purpose of showing was to evaluate breeding stock that could best do the breed's original job.  It's something I'm very passionate about and has gotten me in some controversy with both "show" people and "working/hunting, etc." people.  I want my dogs doing both but the Cockers do have a little harder time as they're wonderful specimens that fit the standard nicely but with less coat as stated in the standard.  I've heard of some judges saying the first thing they learn is to ignore "moderately coated" and "excessive coat to be penalized" in the standard.  This sort of thing really needs to come under check.  I don't think it's quite so bad in Pyrs yet, so hopefully we all keep our heads.  Of course then there's the other extremes on the "field/working" side but we'll not get into that.
    All in all I did like the show and they did stress several things that might deter everyone from just going out and buying one.  :)

I would be interested in what folks thought of the program?  

I had a real problem with some of the content.  The segment where the young
dog, first time with the old Ewe was chased caused me a problem as I know the
results they portrayed could have been much different.  Young dogs can be
intimidated by this type circumstance, but it does not exclude them from
working very well later.  It also does something else that I had happen.  Had
a young dog go to a farm and the old ewe's did probably as this one did.  The
young dog did retreat initially, but once he became acclimated to his turf it
was quite different.  He then retaliated against these old ewes.  Not
acceptable, but he only retaliated against the two out to over 20 that had
been aggressive toward him.  He had no problems with any others.  Even this
behavior was not acceptable as he should have never gone after them for any
reason.  He is used now with all the rest they just are sure he never is in
with these two old ewes.  An older dog, more experienced, would have taken
the aggression from the Ewe and not ever sought retaliation or maybe the dog
thinks these ewes are dangerous to the rest.  Who knows what this instinct is
being manifest as. This by itself did not make this young pup not suitable
for guarding.  It only meant there was some work to be done, but IMHO the
breeder/handler needs some work as well.  

The other part that bothered me greatly was the dog with Lux patella and the
cruciate rupture.  While they finally did mention briefly in passing the word
"genetic" one time, they stressed "injury" by itself over and over.  No
mention about genetic problems or trying to make sure the dogs come from
breeders who try not to have such conditions and stand behind their dogs.  My
concern is they did not in my opinion do anything to warn or bring up the
conscious level of he public of the need to ask and investigate the purchase
of the pup they might buy.  In fact I saw little to recommend this about the
breed itself.  Great story about the bitch going to the pet spa.  The drool
part may have suggested that all Pyrs drool like this one.  They could have
said one could say this dog has a loose mouth and a good mouth would not
produce this level of drool.  Good part on how the Pyr will be so tolerant of
young and how they will guard anything.  Good part on how they are laid back
as well.  Did I hear them say the Pyr did not bark a lot?  If so, that is
real wrong.

What did others think?
