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Re: [pyrnet] Feedback on Amimal Planet presentation on Pyrs?

>     Joe....anyone who's been in Pyrs longer than me....is there any truth
> this.  Seems it would be the other way around.  Also my husband knows a
> who has a St. that it's owner claims is a "dry mouth".  Isn't there a
> genetic condition (disease) that causes this?
> Chrissy
> > "if people wouldn't breed loose lipped
> > to loose lipped this wouldn't happen".
Does the Saint have a "dry" mouth or "wry" mouth?   Wry mouth is a genetic
condition.  Last summer, at a show the one dog was dismissed because of a
wry mouth.  Also, from what I've seen, Saints, like Newfs, have looser lips
than Pyrs.  

--- Robyn Allwright
--- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
--- Ziff