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Re: [pyrnet] New and want info on showing

In a message dated 3/12/01 11:15:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Pacerized@aol.com writes:

, and "apparent"
composition of the dog on the cover?  

This dog is Le Roy.  No one in their right mind will comment publicly on a
current dog.  Just too easy to hurt peoples feelings and make enemies when
you have no ill intent at all.  

<<Also there is a painting dated 1901 just on the inside of the
cover, although it could be the artist eye, this dog looks far different from
any pyr I've ever seen.  >>

I am surprised they used this painting in the new book.  The Painting was
owned by Seaver and Edith Smith.  When the painting was sold years ago
somehow they discovered information that the painting was not a Pyr but a
collie.  Seaver reported it years ago in the GPCA Bulletin.  You have to
understand Seavers humor to understand how he thought it was hilarious that
for all these years everyone including they themselves had thought that the
painting was  Maude Earl painting of a Pyr.  Sadly it is a collie.  

In judging conformation, I'm still taken aback at how 4 different
judges on 4 consecutive days can pick 4 different winners from the same group
of dogs. I guess opinion on type must vary largely on their level as well.

Charlie >>

That's the state of a lot the breed judging and has been for years.  I think
overall it has gotten worse last few years.  I just witnessed a five point
major being given to a very poor back yard bred dog who had nothing to
recommend it except is moved fairly soundly across the ring.  That's it
nothing else.  Most of these judges really have no informed opinion really.  
They are lost and just try to pick out a few things and go with them.  Many
times they cannot even be true to the few things they pick out.  Now you did
it.  You got me started <G>.
