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Re: [pyrnet] Neutering and weight

Bridget,  Yes, have him neutered.  Saves a lot of hassles.  Healthier for
him too.  I have never heard of or experienced a dog having separation
anxiety from loosing his "parts"?  Could you tell me where you read that,
I would be interested.   I would think that was a human notion.  Read "
Dogs Never Lie About Love" for more thoughts on a dogs sex life or lack
there of!  Males of all species die earlier in general because of
conditions relating to their sex drive ( testosterone ).  Weight may vary
more if your dog is one who is always exposed to or hyped up about sex,
so in that respect, being neutered and having his mind off that little
problems "may" help him hold his weight better.  Of course other things
play into weight gain and lost, activity, weather, temperament etc.  By
the same token, weight gain is not caused by spaying or neutering, but by
too much food and lack of activity.  If you see a dog gaining weight ,
and not growing upwards any longer, cut down the food, and increase it's
activity.    Pyrs. in general have a slower metabolism, usually don't eat
a great deal once grown, and probably bear watching activity wise, since
they can be a laid back breed when not called on to work!  Just my
opinion of course, hope it helps.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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